Welcome home.
This is your invitation to re-connect with your whole, true, vibrant Self.
Hello, you beautiful being. I’m so glad you’re here.
Whether you’re here to find a clear mind, emotional regulation, or physical health, you’re in the right place. All these things are possible for you, and they’re all connected.
Every human being deserves to:
feel delightfully at home in their body
find moments of calm, peace, and trust on a daily basis
have energy and enthusiasm for their life
be in healthy, loving relationships
feel confident that they can handle tough situations
You deserve all this and more.
Through my group classes and personalized coaching, I can teach you how create these experiences- in your body, your mind, and your life.
Hi, I’m Candace Moss.
As a Nervous System Health Coach, I help people carve their own path from anxiety, depression, and chronic illness to peace, joy, and vibrant health.
After 15+ years of debilitating chronic illness, I've transformed my life almost beyond recognition. I'm more at peace and healthier than I ever dreamed possible.
As I continue on my journey, it’s my profound pleasure to help others carve their own path to peace, joy, and vibrant health.
If you’re curious how this might work for you, check out my Offerings. I am currently only offering mentorship through Primal Trust Academy. Come find me there!
“During one of our sessions you said something I’d ‘heard’ before, but I’d never actually been able to hear it. I heard it that day in my heart. I think that helped me crack open.
Thank you.”
~ B.F.
“I REALLY REALLY like participating in your gatherings. You are amazing. So attuned on many nuanced levels, skilled in taking us to where I didn't even know I could go. And needed to go. SO transformative and healing. This is the one thing I'm looking forward to!”
~ Lucy